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Download .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 | Free official downloads The runtime includes everything you need to run existing apps/programs built with .NET Framework. Download .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Runtime. If you're using Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, or Windows Server 2019 we recommend installing .NET Framework 3.5 through the control panel. Install .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 10, 8.1, 8 The .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 offline installer is available on the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Download page and is available for Windows versions prior to Windows 10. Install the .NET Framework 3.5 on Demand. You may see the following configuration dialog if you try to run an app that requires the .NET Framework 3.5. .NET Framework 3.5、 4.5.2、 4.6、 4.6.1、 4.6.2 … 2019-4-2 · 本文列出了.NET Framework 3.5、 4.5.2、 4.6、 4.6.1、 4.6.2、 4.7、 4.7.1 和 4.7.2 Windows 8.1、 RT 8.1 和 Server 2012 R2 的更新。重要说明 提醒一下高级 IT 管理员,应仅在存在并启用 .NET Framework 3.5 的系统上应用适用于 Windows 8.1 和 Windows

Download .NET Framework.NET Framework is a Windows-only version of .NET for building any type of app that runs on Windows.

2007-11-20 · For example, feature sets in Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Windows CardSpace. In addition, .NET Framework 3.5 contains a number of new features in several technology areas which have been added as new assemblies to avoid breaking changes. 【.net framework 3.5下载 官方版】Microsoft … 2020-4-8 · Microsoft .net framework 3.5是用于Windows的新托管代码编程模型。.net framework 3.5它强大功能与新技术结合起来,用于构建具有视觉上引人注目的用户体验的应用程序,实现跨技术边界的无缝通信,并且能支持各种业 Framework 3.5下载_Windows 10 & 2016 .NET …

2019-9-3 · Microsoft.NET Framework 4.5官方版是一个针对 .NET Framework 4 程序的高度兼容的更新。该程序通过将.NET Framework 4.5与 C#、Visual Basic 或 F# 编程用到的语言结合使用,让您可以编写Windows应用程序。

无法安装以下功能:.NET Framework 3.5(包 … 2016-9-18 电脑提示需要安装.Net Framework 3.5怎么解决_皇 …