If you get a copyright strike, that means your video has been taken down from YouTube because a copyright owner sent us a complete and valid legal request asking us to do so. When a copyright owner formally notifies us that you don’t have their permission to post their content on the site, we take down your upload to comply with copyright law.

May 23, 2018 · As if this wasn’t enough, if you do get access to YouTube, you may find yourself unable to watch it at a decent quality because of lagging issues. Luckily, there is a fast and easy way to bypass blocked YouTube and even fix those pesky YouTube lagging issues. You don’t even need any technical skills. All you have to do is use Speedify. Unblock blocked sites like YouTube at Work or College . Alot of sites are now restriced either at home or at work, College or school via firewall policys or web proxys. You can use our YouTube Proxy site to bypass many of these restictions, we act as the middle man between the website and yourself to help bypass filters and firewalls. Solution 1: Log out of Your Google Account. It seems that the ads are somehow tied to your Google account you use while browsing YouTube and it makes sense considering the fact that ads will show up based on data collected about your browsing experience. Aug 15, 2019 · YouTube is changing how some copyright claims work, and it could result in ‘more blocked content’ New, 22 comments By Jacob Kastrenakes @jake_k Aug 15, 2019, 2:00pm EDT

May 23, 2018 · As if this wasn’t enough, if you do get access to YouTube, you may find yourself unable to watch it at a decent quality because of lagging issues. Luckily, there is a fast and easy way to bypass blocked YouTube and even fix those pesky YouTube lagging issues. You don’t even need any technical skills. All you have to do is use Speedify. Unblock blocked sites like YouTube at Work or College . Alot of sites are now restriced either at home or at work, College or school via firewall policys or web proxys. You can use our YouTube Proxy site to bypass many of these restictions, we act as the middle man between the website and yourself to help bypass filters and firewalls. Solution 1: Log out of Your Google Account. It seems that the ads are somehow tied to your Google account you use while browsing YouTube and it makes sense considering the fact that ads will show up based on data collected about your browsing experience. Aug 15, 2019 · YouTube is changing how some copyright claims work, and it could result in ‘more blocked content’ New, 22 comments By Jacob Kastrenakes @jake_k Aug 15, 2019, 2:00pm EDT

The youtube app will use googlevideo.com and ytimg.l.google.com to load some videos direct from the CDN (content network) and would need to be blocked on your domain list to block the youtube app fully. The app does not use Google's own DNS and will make DNS requests via OpenDNS as long as your network or device is configured as such.